Archive of Marketing Cloud

What Can Data Operations Do for Your Company?
What Can Data Operations Do for Your Company?

In this blog post, we’ll be diving deeper into marketing automation platform maintenance and how marketing data operations best practices form a crucial part of your revenue marketing machine.

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Magical Martech Experiences
Magical Martech Experiences

Recently, Scott Brinker posted this graphic and said, “I’m fascinated by supposed dichotomies in marketing and martech. How do you create a marketing org that is both automated and human?” As marketing technology experts, we can’t simply wonder about how this balance between automation and humanity works—we need to live it, sell it, and teach it in order to survive!

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Case Study: How Macro Managed an Outsourced Demand Generation Center
Case Study: How Macro Managed an Outsourced Demand Generation Center

Case Study: How Macro Managed an Outsourced Demand Generation Center - Marketing Operations. Read more about this client’s success story here.

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How Marketing Operations Can Use This Crisis Time Effectively
How Marketing Operations Can Use This Crisis Time Effectively

Winston Churchill said “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” With the recent challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are changing their practices to reflect the new reality. You might be wondering, how can I use this time effectively?

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Tips to Manage Your B2B Marketing Automation Database
Tips to Manage Your B2B Marketing Automation Database

Database management is often overlooked, but it shouldn’t be - because good, clean data is the secret of the successful modern marketer. Like a vehicle, it needs to be regularly maintained, fine tuned and cleaned to keep it at optimal performance.

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Case Study: How Macro Built a Global Concierge Team
Case Study: How Macro Built a Global Concierge Team

Case Study: How Macro Built a Global Concierge Team Partner Marketing - A Macro Case Study from Macromator Inc. The Client’s Story The client sells customer…

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COVID-19 Content: A Review
COVID-19 Content: A Review

The Importance of Content, Data & Visuals in Crisis Communications: Content that’s easy-to-understand, decisions driven by data, and communications that effectively capture attention has never been more critical as the world collectively searches for simple answers to big questions and new opportunities to replace old plans.

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Case Study: How Lead Nurturing Improves Your Pipeline
Case Study: How Lead Nurturing Improves Your Pipeline

The client runs a business English Language Learning service for Japanese professionals. They wanted to engage their prospects, so Macro developed and executed a lead nurturing email campaign that encouraged known qualified leads to become sales qualified leads (SQLs).  

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Macro Wins Award for Best Professional Services
Macro Wins Award for Best Professional Services

Canadian SME National Business Awards January 29, 2020 (Toronto, CANADA) – Macro, a B2B sales and marketing operations agency, has been awarded the CanadianSME National Business Award for Best Professional Services. Founder and President Dan Radu with Macro marketing specialists Joshua P’ng, Diego Garcia and Carla Herrera at the CanadianSME National Business Awards at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Tuesday night in Toronto

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CMO's Reporting Command Center
CMO's Reporting Command Center

Reporting growth and demand generation is something few organizations are doing successfully. Without a process in place to measure and assess your campaigns, acquisition, and revenue, it’s hard to decide your future marketing investments and know how your marketing efforts are performing.

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Partner Marketing - Key Strategies
Partner Marketing - Key Strategies

The truth is that Marketing Technology (MarTech) partnerships are seldom successful. Partnerships may start off with good intentions, but most of the time they result in one-sided relationships. Partner Marketing is necessary for success in the tech industry, but how do you navigate these relationships?

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7 Ways to Improve Your B2B Campaigns
7 Ways to Improve Your B2B Campaigns

The modern B2B marketing landscape is filled with lackluster, disorganized campaigns that do little to engage current and future customers. In contrast, an effective well executed B2B campaign can do wonders for your business – but what sets a good B2B campaign apart from a bad one?

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Marketing Operations - Executive Breakfast in Toronto
Marketing Operations - Executive Breakfast in Toronto

In today’s marketing landscape, there are almost 7000 marketing technologies for companies to choose from. Bridging the gap between strategy and technology is an overwhelming and complex issue to address, as decisions surrounding the way forward can have wide ranging impacts.

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How to Use a Content Hub
How to Use a Content Hub

When creating an online presence, so many businesses simply throw their content up on a website or social media page and call it a day. After all, it’s digital – it can be changed.

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Six Best Practices for Better B2B
Six Best Practices for Better B2B

Drawing from years of experience helping companies with Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing there are six main recommendations that I would like to share with you.

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Marketing & Sales Alignment Kick-Off Panel
Marketing & Sales Alignment Kick-Off Panel

Macromator Marketing Operations (MOps) Agency, the Canadian-based, B2B Marketing Operations agency, announces today that its President and Founder, Dan Radu, will host a panel discussion How Marketing Leaders Buy in Toronto, in conjunction with Toronto Enterprise Sales Forum.

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Marketing Operations
Marketing Operations

Marketing departments and professionals are evolving. Just seven years ago seems like a completely different generation in the profession. It’s no longer solely about content, or reach, or bold ads that leap off of the newspaper or magazine page.

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Advantages of Working with a Marketing Operations Agency
Advantages of Working with a Marketing Operations Agency

Our team of experts efficiently handles marketing operations for large enterprise clients on a global scale. Campaigns are executed in a disciplined, organized and detail-oriented way to achieve the best results. Here is how we can help.

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How to Build Your Marketing Operations Team
How to Build Your Marketing Operations Team

How do you put together a top-notch marketing operations team? Forming the right marketing operations team with the right combination of skillsets is absolutely critical for organizations practicing modern data-driven marketing today.

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What Is Marketing Operations?
What Is Marketing Operations?

The modern data-driven marketer in charge of operations plays an increasingly important role in the enterprise. Marketing Profs, the leading online marketing publication, says “Marketing operations has never been as important as it is now”.

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Marketing Operations on a Global Scale
Marketing Operations on a Global Scale

If your company has a global presence then you know how cumbersome is to run marketing operations. I wrote this piece based on my company’s experience working with large global enterprises and would like to share with you what we found it works.

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Marketing Automation & CRM Trends and the Future of Marketing
Marketing Automation & CRM Trends and the Future of Marketing

Marketing Automation and CRM systems are changing the marketing landscape. In this interview, Dan Radu, the Principal Consultant at Macro explains some of the trends and how technology impacts the profession.    

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Marketing Database Development Methodology
Marketing Database Development Methodology

Most marketers have a list of contacts they work with and constantly try to understand and update. The list usually exists in an email tool which most likely doesn’t enforce any data integrity and has limitations such as number of fields, records and size.

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