Archive of: perch_blog_date_archive_years

Partner Marketing - Key Strategies
Partner Marketing - Key Strategies

The truth is that Marketing Technology (MarTech) partnerships are seldom successful. Partnerships may start off with good intentions, but most of the time they result in one-sided relationships. Partner Marketing is necessary for success in the tech industry, but how do you navigate these relationships?

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7 Ways to Improve Your B2B Campaigns
7 Ways to Improve Your B2B Campaigns

The modern B2B marketing landscape is filled with lackluster, disorganized campaigns that do little to engage current and future customers. In contrast, an effective well executed B2B campaign can do wonders for your business – but what sets a good B2B campaign apart from a bad one?

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Marketing Operations - Executive Breakfast in Toronto
Marketing Operations - Executive Breakfast in Toronto

In today’s marketing landscape, there are almost 7000 marketing technologies for companies to choose from. Bridging the gap between strategy and technology is an overwhelming and complex issue to address, as decisions surrounding the way forward can have wide ranging impacts.

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The 2019 SalesTech Landscape
The 2019 SalesTech Landscape

Is there such a thing as the best sales technologies? Our President and Founder, Dan Radu, answered this question during a webinar titled The 2019 SalesTech Landscape – Tools to help you Sell More, Faster.

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Macro Is Our New Brand
Macro Is Our New Brand

The new year brings change for everyone, and we’re no exception! In our mission to be the most effective marketing technology operations company, we have to stay on top of a dynamic marketing technology landscape, and we’re happy to announce we are now just Macro, a marketing & sales operations agency.

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