Archive of: perch_blog_date_archive_years

Marketing Operations on a Global Scale
Marketing Operations on a Global Scale

If your company has a global presence then you know how cumbersome is to run marketing operations. I wrote this piece based on my company’s experience working with large global enterprises and would like to share with you what we found it works.

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Pardot Engagement Studio Breakdown
Pardot Engagement Studio Breakdown

As a Pardot Registered Partner, the Macro team had the privilege to take a sneak peek at what the new Pardot Engagement Studio can do. We are very excited to share our initial review and recommendations to our clients.

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Measuring Marketing’s Impact on Sales Pipeline
Measuring Marketing’s Impact on Sales Pipeline

Your prospects don’t just come to your website and click buy. The modern customer journey involves a lot of research before the first contact, multiple marketing touches and several interactions with sales. This is even more true for complex products which have longer buying cycles and usually involve multiple decision makers.

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Pardot Shortcuts
Pardot Shortcuts

Work better in Pardot with these keyboard shortcuts. Pressing SHIFT + ? at the same time will pull up a full list of available shortcuts. You’ll love it.

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Pardot and Salesforce for Sales
Pardot and Salesforce for Sales

Modern sales organization that recognize the value of the marketing tools they have at their disposal are much more effective in going after large markets and customers. To increase sales the solution isn’t necessary about adding more headcount to sales. It’s about building the proper infrastructure to make your existing reps more productive.  

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Pardot Checklist For Your Campaigns
Pardot Checklist For Your Campaigns

  Review our handy checklist that will guide you through all the steps you need to launch your Salesforce Pardot campaign successfully following best practices and helping you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.  

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