B2B Events and Conference Services


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Run Better B2B Event Campaigns And Communications

Event Communication Is A Crucial Weapon For B2B Professionals

Effective event communications, part of your marketing plan, can make or break the success of your event. Which begs the question:

Have you decided on effective communication strategies to engage your attendees?Improve your B2B event experience – no matter the scale – with an effective communications and registration process. Here are a few ideas you can take into account when running B2B events;

Prepare Your Audience With Pre-Event Communications

Pre-event marketing helps create a buzz about your event before registration is open. A relationship built in advance will allow your participants to become acquainted with the event beforehand. This will result in your audience getting engaged and excited in the weeks leading up to the big day.

Decide What What Do You Hope to Accomplish

Before setting up your strategy, you need to ask yourself this: What do I want from your attendees? Why am I organizing this event?

Whether your event’s purpose is to educate your audience, create awareness about a new product or service, or expand your business to new clients, you should focus your entire efforts on your objective.

Your entire communication strategy should also revolve around the action you need from your guests. You might want to create excitement around your event, you might go after a spike in early registrations, or just to turn your attendees into brand ambassadors and make them spread the word about your event.

No matter the action you want to inspire, you must keep in mind some crucial topics you need to cover in your messages:

General Information

  • The overarching idea of your event
  • Who will be speaking and their bios
  • Sponsors and partners
  • The agenda
  • Registration process
  • Logistic details (date, time, location):
    • Include a visual of the map
    • Nearby hotels for accomodations
    • About the venue

Your communications can use the following cadance:

  • Save the date to your target audience
  • Invitation to register once the registration is open
  • Reminders with all the details

The registration process

  • A page or portal to capture attendees details
  • Confirmation email with the event details

Engage Your Attendees During The Event

Engaging your audience during the events, makes your leads get the most value out of their experience. If the event spans along multiple days, you should send two email per day to all your attendees:

  1. The first one in the morning, reminding everyone about the timeline of the day, any important changes, announcements.
  2. The second one in the evening, recapping the highlights of the day: maybe an inspiring talk, a contest, something you learned from the keynote speaker.
  3. Gather information and leads with surveys.

You can also share what’s going on with those who couldn’t attend. If the content is good, you can make them excited to subscribe to your next event more willingly.

Gather cool photos, videos and quotes and share them with those who missed the event. However, you should only send one such email. We recommend you do it during the last day (or at the end of the event, if it only lasts one day), otherwise you face the risk of becoming tiresome.

Thank you for attending!

Your first message after the event should a thank you message. Besides being a nice touch, it will keep the memory of your event or conference fresh in the guests’ minds. You can also send a recap of the event, a video recording or everything they needed to remember. The best time to send this email is a day after the event or the conference.

Inform the attendees about similar events coming up. This will help cement the relationship between your brand and the attendees. Moreover, if the event was a success, you can already create some buzz around future happenings.

You might also want to consider opening a waiting list for the registration of the next event.

Sorry we missed you!

This is a message meant for people who registered for your event but didn’t participate in person.

The content of this email should be similar to the one you sent to the attendees: send an event recap, a video recording from your keynote speaker, or an after-movie. You can also inform them about future events and give them an incentive to attend those.

Asking For Feedback

With the event still fresh amongst attendees, it’s time to find out what their thoughts are regarding your event. There’s always room for better events so why not let your guest help you improve them via their feedbacks and inputs?

These are pivotal in helping you identify any weak-links in your event and providing a stronger blueprint for more successful ones. You can ask for feedback by sending a questionnaire. The sooner you send it, the more relevant the answers.

Things to keep in mind in the post-event communication:

  • ask for relevant feedback (if you need to know about the quality of the information shared, you shouldn’t ask questions about the food)
  • ask for permission before sending any materials for the speakers; don’t try and sell your next event in an aggressive way

Follow Up With Post-Event Communication

Just because the event is over, it doesn’t necessary mean that you should stop the dialogue. It’s crucial you the connection alive by following up with everyone involved. Here is where you ask your guests for feedback, clear up any misunderstanding, and leave a hook for your next event.

Remember: post-event communication is what makes a difference between short-term results, and long-term ones.

Divide your messages for those who attended and those who didn’t:

An Extra Hand To Help You Run Events

Your communication style and email frequency can set the tone for your event before it begins. Moreover, it can speed up the lead nurturing process and increase your visibility.

However, your efforts should be solely focused on providing a stellar experience for your attendees. Leave the rest to us.

Macro steps in and gives you a hand with pre- and post-event communications. Let’s get in touch and see how we can make sure your communication strategy runs smoothly. We can take off your plate the registration process along with pre and post event communications. Contact us today at MOps@macromator.com

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